Wednesday 14 July 2010

Practice and work experience for new Legal Adviser!


Despite the current global situation the demand for qualified professionals is undergoing changes and especially legal professionals of the future needs to have a flexible approach to their chosen career path.
Within the growth and development of the organisation, Friendship Zone is ready to offer work experience to Ayesha Chowdhury who just completed her Bachelor’s studies with LLB (Hons). The team welcomes Ayesha in her job as a Legal Adviser and wishes her endurance and patience working in our quite dynamic and changeable environment.
This is not Ayesha’s first job role. She started her career as sales assistant and worked more than 2 years in Customer Service Company during her studies at University. Though after her studies Ayesha strongly decided to build her legal career and she is glad that Friendship Zone has given her this chance to prove her abilities and skills. In the future Ayesha would like to progress and undertake her legal practice course (LPC) to become a solicitor.
Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.
To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

Meet our Web Project Manager!


Konstantins Kaculaks started with Friendship Zone in the middle of June as a Web Project Manager. The team is congratulating him on his new role and wish him good luck in his new role.
Prior to this role Konstantins was employed with a 4ALL organisation in Latvia for 5 years where he worked as Technical Director and Project Manager. Konstantins has a wide knowledge of common office software, installation, web project’s leading, and also web management and design. This involved working on many serious projects such as E-Fax and new Social Networking Website with complicated management functions.
The website of the Friendship Zone is still in it BETA version, the main responsibility for Konstantins is to make the website more user’ friendly. Konstantin`s role is to take the organisation through this period of growth and develop systems to ensure the organisation can withstand the challenges and the pace of change within today’s competitive needs in social networking platform.
Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.
To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

Trustees Report (2009 – 2010)

This last year has been a voyage of discovery. We have continued to enjoy the patronage of AEP UK Ltd who provided the majority of the funds we need to develop our services. We were offered an unconditional licence of their product branded as SNAP4Business. This is a while labelled social networking application platform.
We had to drop out the Zonadream concept and focus on the Friendship Zone.
We are still in the same office which offers us more services to provide. Instead of being worried at the halt of the long march of home ownership, we still enjoy our low rent office.
Friendship Zone is still BETA version – a lot of work has been done but still many things needs to be improved and developed. We will therefore develop platforms to facilitate peer to peer networking, learning and partnerships. We also believe that they are the strongest advertisement to the wider public: to inspire more people to join our website, for us to work for social benefit and to draw in help and funds from the population at large. We will also continue to improve the quality and design of our website and support charitable activities, drawing on evaluations of our programmes and research into what works better for community.
Friendship Zone promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams. Our goal is to foster a healthy work environment that allows our employees to achieve a positive work-life balance and we strive to have an atmosphere of respect and open collaboration, creating the conditions wherein which every employee feels valued, empowered, and part of a team.
Friendship Zone is both a social networking site and a place where interested people can apply for grants to help achieve their dreams. At the moment the project of Birthday Dream Party works only in Northampton but in the nearest future it is going to have a national audience thus giving the chance for others nationwide to use this wonderful opportunity. There is a link to see first Birthday Dream Parties in Red Hot restaurant in Sixfields, Northampton:
Youngsters also have the opportunity to be involved in the “Youth Sport Infrastructure Development” program. There are many sport organizations for youngsters who need various kinds of developments (renovation, building etc). The main objective of this development program is to improve or develop sport facilities used by youngsters.
Friendship Zone in collaboration with University of Northampton is offering graduates and postgraduates an opportunity to undergo placements/ experience, with the view of having an advantage of future job prospects.
Friendship Zone works closely with Northampton Volunteer Centre to expand its employment opportunities to people who are interested in volunteering, this in the nutshell help improve the community. The Number of Volunteers continues to rise. Future Job Fund helped us to realise potential of training providing.
The Charity is glad to confirm that it is also opened to disadvantage individuals. We are in the final process of obtaining DISABILITY SYMBOL which would intend help us to recruit more interested youngsters with disability.

Friendship Zone is now also a registered member of UK Online centre. We can take advantage of all the great benefits that membership has to offer, we have access to “the Help
is at Hand pages” a website that has been specifically designed for UK Online centre members.
Environmental is an issue that Friendship Zone takes very seriously and is in collaboration with one of the largest collectors of used printer cartridges in the UK Empty Cartridge. Friendship Zone helps to search for companies which do not recycle their used cartridges and old mobile phones to register them with Empty Cartridge.
Friendship Zone was one of the first organisations in Northampton being involved in a national scheme run by Future Job Fund. Friendship Zone has now supported over 60 talented and inspirational people to become Project Administrators through the national scheme, giving them a chance for a 6 month paid work contract. Friendship Zone gives valuable training to unemployed youngsters to achieving better opportunities in the current and future job market as well. As our work grows and develops, we learn more about what can be achieved through supporting individuals to deliver social benefit, and about how best to support them. The commitment, energy and innovation shown by our hard work are remarkable. From local community projects to social enterprises delivering transformational change, more experienced youngsters are a new force for good in our society. We have been delighted with the progress made by Future Job Fund, and inspired by the quality and commitment of the people, from all ages and backgrounds, who have stepped forward to become Project Administrators.
Friendship Zone has demonstrated and still demonstrates to the world that hard work and an innovative approach can be the basis for unparalleled success. Notwithstanding the tough involvement in a Charity as a non-profit organization, Friendship Zone has proven that innovative business model based upon a firm belief in its product can outperform bigger competitors.
Fundraising activities are ongoing; we will now seek to expand the numbers of people we can help, by drawing in additional funds whilst continuing to make best use of the Future Job Fund endowment income.
We are looking forward to this next year as our projects mature. We also look forward to be able to report more specifically about the number of individuals and communities that we have been able to support.

The first Group completed ESF Community Trainings at Friendship Zone


The first Group has already completed their ESF Community Training programme which is provided by Friendship Zone in collaboration with European Social Fund to mobilise disadvantaged or excluded unemployed and inactive people to facilitate their progress towards employment.
Trainings are provided on Saturdays. Every Group attends 6 Saturdays (all day).
Friendship Zone provides trainings which help to improve peoples’ knowledge, put their skills into practice and open new horizons in their professional growth:
• IT package
• Career builder tools and how to be a good employee at working places.
Diana, Lauma, Deniss and Viktors from the first group confirmed that the training at “Friendship Zone” was challenging and not stressful. “With this training I have gained confidence in myself and learnt new things I didn’t know before”, by Diana. After this training they are feel more confident and are ready to go to recruiters and talk about their job opportunities. Before this training none of the students had professional CV and none had written an Application letter before. The students are grateful for this chance to create their first professional career builder tools to be more successful in current competitive job market.
“For me IT training and practice on frequently asked Interview questions were very useful and I am glad I got the chance to attend this training. I wish there would be more training like this as it is really important for the community. Nowadays people are down casted and they feel unwanted, but that should not be the case because obviously community need everyone, it is tough to find the place where you can prove your ability to work and demonstrate your skills and knowledge”, by Deniss.
Each of the students knows the industry they would like to work and they are sure about the work conditions – they wish to work in an environment similar to the one that Friendship Zone has.
The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and consequently help raise standards of living. Their aim is to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects.
The ESF is a key part of the EU's strategy for growth and jobs. It supports the EU's goal of increasing employment by giving unemployed and disadvantaged people the training and support they need to enter jobs which is not easy.
The 2007-2013 England ESF programme is investing £5 billion over seven years of which £2.5 billion is from the ESF and £2.5 billion is national funding.

If you are unemployed and are looking for a job then this opportunity is for YOU! Courses are FREE and after successful competition you will get Certificate and £100 worth of gift vouchers. There are more 6 places left.
Take this chance and call TODAY: Ph. 01604 621618
Gain useful skills to be more successful in today’s competitive job market.

Birthday Dream Party of Andrew


When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity’s main objective is to help people.
Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects Friendship Zone offers is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!
Read terms and conditions on the website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!
Andrew joined Friendship Zone on January this year. His first impression about the design and page modules of the website was not the best. Though he found many useful things for himself like FREE sms messages, unlimited pictures and videos uploads, radio for different ages and much more. “I don’t remember when I celebrated my last Birthday, must be many years ago. There were always many reasons, why I could not and money was definitely the main issue”. With the help of Friendship Zone Andrew met new friends and his new friends recommended him to apply for FREE Birthday Dream Party. His friends were those who encouraged him and asked to go out finally. Andrew’s Birthday was a great cause to cheer him up.
Few days after visiting restaurant Andrew says “Seven of my closest friends and myself went to Red Hot and spent over 3 hours there. It is not only about the food we all found well prepared, delicious and served, it is more about the time in generally spent around my best friends. Especially these days when I feel down often, it is wonderful just to talk to friends and forget about the problems at least for some hours. Friends are not only for having fun but also for sharing opinion and problems. I am happy to have these great friends I have and would like to thank to Friendship Zone in collaboration with world buffer restaurant red Hot for this great idea to let people spend their Birthday’s this way. It was really good!”
Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!
Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

More job opportunities – more experienced people for community


Friendship Zone was one of the first organisations in Northampton to be involved in a national scheme run by Future Job Fund. The goal of this scheme is to give a work experience for young people aged from 18-25.
Meet 6 youngsters all from Northampton who started their job and 6 weeks training course at Friendship Zone: Daniel (21), Elizabeth (21), Ian (22), Jay (22), Patrick (25) and Ross (22).
All youngsters confirm that the job at Friendship Zone is really great experience and would improve their CV’s for next employers. One of Friendship Zone’s aims is to make dreams come true, and also the opportunity to find a good job. This program provides teaching on IT skills, telemarketing, how to make friends, and the prospect of finding employment.
Daniel was unemployed for 8 months. This opportunity was an ultimate chance he was looking for. According to Daniel, he is grateful for this chance to prove himself at Friendship Zone working as a Project Administrator. Before Daniel found this work, he had worked in a few different jobs with different responsibilities.
Elizabeth was looking for a job over half a year to start in a position which she can progress. With her attitude and interest in the job Elizabeth has become a valued member of a company already. She demonstrates high standard, ingenuity and insight of her job role. Friendship Zone is glad to give Elizabeth chance to improve her skills on graphic design using Adobe Photoshop program.
Patrick finished his studies in multimedia HND in University of Northampton and went on to obtain BA Hons in computer games design at Huddersfield University. Also for Patrick it took him half a year to get this work opportunity. Patrick strongly decided to improve his skills and portfolio of work for future employment. Patrick is highly computer literate, well motivated and hardworking individual who has completed many courses and at Friendship Zone he shows his great ability to work in groups performing research and development to improve and develop the social networking platform of Friendship Zone.
Jay was unemployed for more than 3 months until Job Centre Plus offered him the Project Administrator role at Friendship Zone. This is Jay’s first job role and he demonstrates his ability to quick learning and his willingness to adapt to new working conditions.
Ross previously worked in retail for more than 3 years but felt the retail field was not for him. His new role at Friendship Zone gives him great chance to meet new targets and see that IT and social networking platform is the place he feels more comfortable. After few trainings Ross sees that his new job role does not requires many duties but it is good enough to gain some new skills and get new work experience nevertheless. After few lessons Ross discovered the field he would like to build his professional career and he is going to go for it step by step.
Ian finished the third class BA (Hons) in Business Information Systems Top-Up in the University of Northampton. He could not find any job for about 7months and was delighted to know he got a job offer from Friendship Zone. Most of all Ian likes the atmosphere and team of Friendship Zone
It can be well noted that Friendship Zone can give valuable training to unemployed youngsters to achieving better opportunities in the current and future job market. To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

Birthday Dream Party of Daniel

When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that
charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity’s main objective is to
help people.
Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps people
to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can
apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!
Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate
your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!
Daniel just finished a plumbing course at Moulton College. Since then he has found it extremely
difficult finding a job. During this time it has been quite stressful but he was sure that finally he
was going to find his ideal job. “Although the weight is off my shoulders now and I think that
it would be nice to have an event that’s chilled out. When i saw this opportunity I felt it would
be a good way to celebrate and relax on my Birthday. Friendship Zone approved my Request
for Support and on Wednesday, 21st Matthew, Kevin and I went up to Red Hot in Sixfields to
celebrate my 19th Birthday. We had an awesome few hours at the restaurant stuffing our faces.
For anyone who has their Birthday coming up I honestly recommend submitting your Birthday
story because it is worth it!!”
See the video on
Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them.
Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!
Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs
online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like
no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Christine

When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that
charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity’s main objective is
to help people.
Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps
people to achieve their dreams! One of its projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and
everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!
Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be
able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!
This is a Good Story of Christine who just turned 21: "I have never celebrated my Birthday
outside home. Joining Friendship Zone I found the opportunity to spend time with friends at
Red Hot restaurant where I have never been. My Birthday was a really nice occasion to invite
my new friends to the restaurant and get to know them better. Besides I didn’t spend any
penny as it is offered as Birthday Dream Party for free. It is a great way to spend a Birthday”
Christine is grateful to everyone who helped her to have her 21st Birthday as great as it was.
See the video on
Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them.
Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!
Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various
programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is
unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Kevin

When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that
charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity’s main objective is
to help people.
Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps
people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and
everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!
Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be
able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!
Until Kevin joined the Friendship Zone he had few friends. As birthday was coming up
he was focused on spending the day with his new friends he had found from Friendship
Zone. The time Kevin spent in the Red Hot was fantastic. He was there for the first time
and found the place well designed and the food very delicious. Kevin is going to tell all his
friends about this great opportunity and wishes everyone to have a very good day as he had.
See the video on
Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them.
Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!
Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various
programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is
unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Friendship Zone continues to give the unique opportunity for youngsters – trainings and contract job for 6 months


Friendship Zone already employs more than 60 young hopefuls, giving them the chance for a 6 month paid work contract with the organisation. The job role is Project Administrator which includes promoting and moderating the Social Networking website of Friendship Zone. There is also an opportunity to get more confidence in the current competitive job market attending FREE 6 weeks training provided by Friendship Zone which includes teaching on IT skills, telemarketing, how to make friends, and the prospect of finding employment.

Aaron (22) after his studies at Moulton College in 2007 has a wide range of experiences from shop work and warehouse to some building jobs. It took him more than 8 months until Job Centre Plus found him the Project Administrator role at Friendship Zone. Asked about the job at Friendship Zone, Aaron answers “it is a good job to get people around the world, and friends and family using social networking sites to promote and show information about Friendship Zone. And good job means to do the job you like and Friendship Zone gives me a platform I feel confident in and I can improve my skills all the time which is fantastic. I wish all other youngsters will take this wonderful opportunity that Friendship Zone offers can gain this vauable experience.”

Adam (19) having searched thoroughly for jobs through online ,newspapers, and in job centre, as well as family contact and various agencies count himself lucky when Job Centre Plus offered him the chance of a job at Friendship Zone. Adam felt welcomed and has the skills required doing the job and that he would be a good part of the team and would do well in this environment. For Adam this job is great: “I feel I am improving with my IT skills everyday when I am in office, and I am constantly learning new things. The work environment is great and that helps pretty much. All together it is a good job.”

Adrian (20) was without a job for more than 6 months. Adrian is very dedicated to his work and is passionate about the things he does. He wants to chase his goal of oweing his own business. He still does volunteering job walking dogs around the forest. The job at Friendship Zone gives him good work practise and to encourages him acheiving his goal.

Danielle (22) attended a retail course with Learn Today which was run by the Job Centre Plus while she was unemployed which indeed happy her to improve her IT skills.

Danielle (22) worked hard on her previous job roles, doing long hours and many shifts. While she looked for any job opportunity, which took her about 2 years, she attended a course for literacy and numeracy with Learn Today which was also run by the Job Centre Plus. Danielle is grateful for the training at Friendship Zone, and now she is doing a home study course in counselling.

For James (22) it took 17 months to finally get a job. James is glad to work in IT field and learn new skills and use his knowledge working on IT platform. The role of Project Administrator will boost his future career opportunities.

It can be well noted that Friendship Zone can give valuable training to unemployed youngsters to achieving better opportunities in the current and future job market. To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

ESF Community Trainings at Friendship Zone – meet the first group!

The first Group has already started to attend the ESF Community Training which is provided by
Friendship Zone in collaboration with European Social Fund to mobilise disadvantaged or excluded
unemployed and inactive people to facilitate their progress towards employment.
Trainings are provided on Saturdays. Every Group attends 6 Saturdays one by other full day.
The Friendship Zone provides trainings which help to improve people knowledge, put their skills into
practice and open new horizons in their professional growth:
IT package
Career builder tools and how to be a good employee at working place.
Lauma, 16 years old from Wellingborough just finished her School and plans full-time studies in
Northampton College in September. Meanwhile she is looking for any summer job to get some work
experience and earn her first money. Lauma is grateful for this opportunity to gain more skills in current
competitive job market. She finds all the trainings of these Saturdays very helpful for her job search.
Diana, 30 also from Wellingborough was on her maternity leave and understands how tough it is be
successful candidate on job Interviews today. Diana thinks she found the right place to learn new
skills. Her first day in the office gave her emotional uplift – there is definitely an occupation to suit her.
Deniss, 19 years old hopeful from Northampton, is still studying. At the same time he is also looking for
summer job to earn extra money for his studies in autumn.
Viktors is encouraged by tutors of Friendship Zone and likes to improve his IT skills. He is 18 years
old from Wellingborough and has not been able to find a job for more than 4 months. This training is a
great opportunity for him to create his professional CV, learn how to write a good Covering letter and do
practice on frequently asked Interview questions.
The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union
and so help raise standards of living. It aims to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills
and better job prospects.
The ESF is a key part of the EU's strategy for growth and jobs. It supports the EU's goal of increasing
employment by giving unemployed and disadvantaged people the training and support they need to enter
jobs which is not easy.
The 2007-2013 England ESF programme is investing £5 billion over seven years of which £2.5 billion is
from the ESF and £2.5 billion is national funding.
If you are unemployed and are looking for a job then this opportunity is for YOU!
Courses are FREE and after successful competition you will get £100 worth of gift
vouchers. There are more 6 places left.
Take this chance and call TODAY: Ph. 01604 621618
Gain useful skills to be more successful in today’s competitive job market.

Opportunities for unemployed! Don’t miss your chance!



The first Group has already started to attend the ESF Community Training which is provided by Friendship Zone in collaboration with European Social Fund to mobilise disadvantaged or excluded unemployed and inactive people to facilitate their progress towards employment.
The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and so help raise standards of living. It aims to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects.
The ESF is a key part of the EU's strategy for growth and jobs. It supports the EU's goal of increasing employment by giving unemployed and disadvantaged people the training and support they need to enter into the job market with an advantage.
The 2007-2013 England ESF programme is investing £5 billion over seven years of which £2.5 billion is from the ESF and £2.5 billion is national funding.
By the end of November 2009, over 1,026,000 participants had joined the programme. It is already having an impact on the lives of disadvantage people in the labour market, helping 67,000 unemployed or inactive participants into jobs and about 91,000 participants have gained basic skills or qualifications.
The priorities in the 2007 to 2013 ESF programme are designed to focus on specific activities and to ensure that it reaches people in most need of support. There are two main priorities in England:
• Priority 1 is 'Extending employment opportunities'. It supports projects to tackle the barriers to work faced by unemployed and disadvantaged people. About £1.5 billion of ESF money is available for this priority in 2007-2013
• Priority 2 is 'Developing a skilled and adaptable workforce'. It supports projects to train people who do not have basic skills and qualifications needed in the workplace. About £823 million of ESF money is available for this priority in 2007-2013.
The Friendship Zone provides trainings which help to improve people knowledge, put their skills into practice and open new horizons in their professional growth:
• IT package
• Career builder tools

If you are unemployed and are looking for a job then this opportunity is for YOU! Courses are FREE and after successful competition you will get £100 worth of gift vouchers. There are more 6 places left.

Take this chance and call TODAY: Ph. 01604 621618
Gain useful skills to be more successful in today’s competitive job market.

Unique opportunities for employees – earn money and learn new skills



It is usually assumed that charities pester everyone for support and to give time and money. Friendship Zone is new charity which is unique as no other employing already more than 50 young hopefuls in Northampton, giving them a chance for a 6 month paid work contract with the organisation. The job role is Project Administrator which includes promoting and moderating the Social Networking website of Friendship Zone. The Charity provides 6 months contract job which includes also 6 weeks teaching on IT skills, telemarketing, how to make friends, and the prospect of finding employment.

Christian Jeyes (22) finished his studies at University of Northampton. It took him more than 6 months until he found the Project Administrator role at Friendship Zone. During these 6 months Christian spent his time actively looking at job sites daily, attending Meridian business/employment course, continuing improving and practicing his skills at home. He also learnt new skills such as sign language and German.

Christine Wright (21) was responsible for a yard of hunting horses’ daily care and exercise at her previous job. While she looked for a job, Christine learned Today routes into retail course. Christine found her current job after one year job hunting. This is Christine’s third week at Friendship Zone and she is glad to improve her IT skills as well as learning more about how to socialise with friends online and what to keep in mind when searching for her future jobs.

Christopher Tite (23) was without job for more than 5 months. Previously Christopher worked as a cook for many years; he also worked at St. Andrews for 2 years as a rehabilitation assistant. He feels his time at Friendship Zone will give him a unique opportunity, because the role of Project Administrator includes not only job but also some training which will be very useful in his permanent job searching process.

Marcel Dionne Greer (23) is happy to improve his IT skills and to share his knowledge in this field making organisation’s work more efficient.

Sophie O’Connor (19) attended a retail course with Learn Today which is run by the jobcentre plus while she was unemployed. It took Sophie almost until she was offered the Project Administrator position. Sophie felt very relieved and happier now that she had finally been offered a job. About the job at Friendship Zone Sophie feels it is a good way of communicating with new people who she now can consider them as friends.

For Stuart Clayson (19) it took him a year to finally get a job. And he is grateful for this chance to get a 6 months contract job. Below are some few reasons:
- During his time with the Charity he will have the chance to understand the role of Project Administrator and whether to carry on in this field. Even if that is not the case than it will be a great chance to learn new skills or improve his existent knowledge;
- It is a unique opportunity to work and learn at the same time. After this job you get a Certificate to indicate that an IT course has been completed, enhanced the knowledge of how to find job, how to make friends and Telemarketing courses. This will definitely improve one’s CV.
- Working together with others, you can realise how good a team player you really are or whether you prefer to work in a group or alone.

It can be well noted that Friendship Zone can give valuable training to unemployed youngsters to achieving better opportunities in the current and future job market. To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

Birthday Dream Party of Juris



When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity’s main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

Few years ago when Juris visited Copenhagen he was motivated by the expressions on the faces of Copenhagen’s people. They looked cheerful and seemed appreciated. As he has a big family and being a bread winner it seemed he struggled a lot to fulfil his responsibilities, even though he fulfilled his dream and became a teacher. Juris has been working as a teacher for the past 25 years.. His dream was to spend his Birthday somewhere away from the office together with colleagues and students.

A fragment of Juris’ Good Story after the celebration of Birthday Dream Party: "Definitely Red Hot restaurant and Friendship Zone know how to throw a Birthday party! I wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much fun we had at your place yesterday. The lunch was spectacular and the staff of Red Hot was brilliant. It was a very nice day I spent together with my students and colleagues. Everyone discovered Red Hot in a different way.."

See the video on

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Friendship Zone continues to grow immensely



The charity Friendship Zone was one of the first organisations in Northampton to be lucky enough to be involved in a national scheme run by Future Job Fund. Today Friendship Zone employs already more than 50 young hopefuls in Northampton, giving them a chance for a 6 month paid work contract with the charity. The job role is Project Administrator which includes promoting and moderating the Social Networking website of Friendship Zone.

This is the sixth group already, which uses this fantastic opportunity to work and learn together at the same time. There are hurdles to overcome when youngsters are searching for the right job. For example, work experience. One of Friendship Zone’s aims is to make dreams come true, and also the opportunity to find a good job. This program provides teaching on IT skills, telemarketing, how to make friends, and the prospect of finding employment. Friendship Zone sees big potential to these youngsters.

Kevin Hill (23) has 6 years of work experience in volunteer work which he really enjoyed. Due to many concurrences he lost his previous job, it took Kevin 8 months searching for a job until he was told about Friendship-Zone. He finds this job really interesting and easy to do. At the same time Kevin brings to the Charity many great ideas how to make the website more attractive, especially thinking about the safety online.

Daniel Jones (19) has some work experience and he knows that in future he would like to work in MOTs service. He is grateful for this job opportunity though, because of the improvement of his knowledge and skills in ICT. Even that it is only for 6 months, Daniel finds his role at Friendship Zone very helpful and he sees he can help the organisation with his ideas to make it better. “I really like the way this system works which makes me work harder because I actually enjoy what the job involves.”

Gemma Poulton (18) and Jodie Shaw (19) – it took about 12 months to find this job for both of them. Previously Gemma had no job experience, but Jodie worked in Telemarketing. Girls enjoy working at Friendship Zone so they can improve their IT skills on computers and especially social networking so this is the perfect job for both of them.

Matthew Burton (20) is the first employee of Friendship Zone who is trying to start his own business. He is running a recording studio and works both as music producer and musician. Friendship Zone uses his soundtracks in video clips of Birthday Dream Party project on YouTube this way helping Matthew to promote his business. See more at and Matthew took a 10 week (music software) course whilst he was looking for a permanent job. “This job definitely allows me to open up to a lot more social networking websites; it’s also a very flexible schedule”, by Matthew.

Ben Ward, 21 years old never worked in this kind of environment before and he says that he really enjoys it very much. Ben wishes to encourage other youngsters to apply for the job at friendship-zone because it is a good experience and it help them with training for other jobs as well.

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

It can be well noted that Friendship Zone can give valuable training to unemployed youngsters to achieving better opportunities in the current and future job market. To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

Safety on the website!


Friendship Zone is a new social networking site in UK which promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams. Responding on the article on 9th of April 2010 “Arrogant Facebook failing to tackle paedophile threat” Friendship Zone’s team worry about our members and we implemented a button of CEOP. As for new social networking website we have not receive any complains and have not any suspicious or inappropriate behaviour yet but we realize it can happen any time. In this case we want to remind you that we have adopted the Click-CEOP button, which compromises former police officers, child protection officials and computer experts.
There is a CEOP button of Friendship Zone you can use in case on any suspicious situation on the site:

In today’s cyber world we are aware that we have computers, printers, scanners and many other programmed machines everywhere. We can’t imagine our lives without them and can’t believe that before 20 years only some had PCs or mobile phones. We can admit that the impact of social networking sites is not only negative; there are many wonderful opportunities people can enjoy for free from using social networking:
a)connecting with people worldwide;
b)sharing with our thoughts using blogs;
c)promoting our work/talent
d)sharing our feelings and emotions through pictures/videos/stories and much more.
Many people are spending most of their time stuck to the computer on social networking websites and many of these people have it on their mobile phones and go on these websites while they are out with friends, at work, etc
Almost every social networking site has its privacy settings’ button so every member can restrict what information they want to share and with whom they want to share. Has anybody have seen the statistics of how many users use privacy settings on social networking sites? We can see various statistical dates of how many members do every social networking have. In this case we would like to favour Facebook, because it has Privacy Settings and every user knows about them. The question is how to let every user use them properly.

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Together we can make big things. Do you believe in miracles today’s world?


Each of us is struggling more or less for better tomorrow wishing the best for our family and relatives. I always thought that charities are silly governments’ supported institutions. I should admit I was naïve and wrong. And today I can confirm we really need to have charities in community because of their underestimate deeds for others. Even though it is tough everywhere nowadays and everyone care about the future, everyone still has some dreams. For that reason it is understandable that we need charities – to help us to achieve our small dreams.

Why do I say this? Newly I discovered one charity with friendly name of “Friendship Zone”. As usually my first reaction was skeptical and I thought one more institution which does nothing. I decided to go deep and to understand why the community needs this Charity.

Friendship Zone was one of the first organizations in Northampton to be lucky enough to be involved in a national scheme run by Future Job Fund. This proposal is together combating unemployment and is creating more than 40 jobs for young hopefuls in Northampton, giving them the chance for a 6 month paid work contract with the charity. Furthermore the Charity has opened up opportunities for the unemployed youngsters between 18-25 years. These youngsters benefits from a variety of opportunities; they are taught Microsoft packages (Power point, excel, word and outlook) and the use of internet in today’s world. They are also taught how to write professional CVs, how to find jobs, interviewing skills, covering letters, how to make friends and telemarketing. On successful completion of their time with the charity, youngsters are awarded certificate of their achievement on the lessons they took. They will have gained additional knowledge and also the confident needed to survive in the current employment climate. Past groups of students have already expressed the benefits they have gained and wish other youngster could also take their chances.

Michael Bray, 23 has had his dream come true after years of hope. His dreams of employment and training are now becoming reality, thanks to the charity Friendship Zone. Through an amazing scheme by Future Job Fund Michael has now been offered paid employment at his current voluntary position at Friendship Zone. Michael is disadvantaged by Arthrogryposis, and although being young and full of life this has hindered his search for a job dramatically. Due of his condition he was out of employment for a longer period. This describes how this Charity is also friendly for people with disabilities.

Friendly Charity is unique as no others providing innovative products like “Birthday Dream Party” which everyone can apply for and celebrate their Birthdays with relatives/friends for FREE. What are you waiting for? I tried it myself because of my low incomes and I have to admit it is possible to achieve my dreams, starting to believe in miracles. See and read more on

In response to my question what is the Charity’s biggest benefit, the Director of Friendship Zone said that the Charity is waiting for more members in its website The more people know about this Charity and its many benefits to the local community the more useful it will become UK national wide.

I really would like to use this opportunity as a resident of Northampton to thank this Charity for its work especially for giving opportunity for youngsters to have work experience and extra knowledge for FREE. Secondly I would also like invite everyone to register on its website and find out more useful things like FREE sms messaging, FREE Birthday Dream Party for everyone; Radio, Quizzes with Prizes and much more.

This Charity has helped in changing a lot of desperate people lives, including myself and I really find that as a miracle since it is not easy finding someone so helpful nowadays.

An exciting opportunity for Gift Vouchers!!!!


Friendship Zone, in collaboration with which is working with major retail outlets such as Peacocks, Bhs, Tesco, Next, New look, American Golf, Mark & Spencer and many others in the UK is giving members of the Friendship Zone an opportunity of winning gift vouchers. This is a chance to give you an extra treat; these vouchers could boost your spending power and ultimately bring back some smiles. Gift vouchers can only be won if you are successful in our FREE online quiz where you will have to answer some questions. Find below the various type of vouchers and requirements to unable you participate.
Prizes: question of the week - Ł5.00 gift voucher, question of the month - Ł10.00 gift voucher and question of the year - Ł40.00 gift voucher! Terms and conditions apply.

Friendship Zone is a social networking website with unique difference. Our Charity promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams.

Please visit our website for more information.

Birthday Dream Party of Terry



When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and help people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

Terry has been out of work for the last 11 months and hasn’t been able to go out much with his friends. His dream was to have his 20th Birthday somewhere away from home.

A fragment of Terry’s Good Story after the celebration of Birthday Dream Party: "When I saw that my request for support had been accepted I was over the moon. I wasted no time in gathering 9 people to go with, and of cause it included my family. We all had a really nice time, the food was lovely. I had chips, rice and lemon chicken and for desert I had some chocolate ice cream. Red hot is a wonderful place and I would definitely recommend to all my friends to go there and try the food."

See the video on

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Dana



When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and help people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

Dana sent a Request for Support and she got an opportunity to celebrate her Birthday. This was what she said: “My life story will be a book worth reading and a lot of my friends are looking forward to reading it someday. I have always been engaged in many activities – permanent job, studies, photography, analyzing a lot of things about aviation industry, working as a wedding planner and organizer and writing my first book about weddings. It has been a rollercoaster for me and I have hardly had time to enjoy myself. Sometimes it’s tough to find the difference between the words WANT and WISH. There are many things in life, which I really WANT to achieve and I hope to work as hard as I can to meet my goals. It has always been my dream to celebrate my Birthday out from home. For the past 10 years I have not celebrated my Birthday at all. There were many reasons behind this. Friendship Zone has presented me with my wish – I can now celebrate my Birthday and have a lot of fun from it, different environment, people to serve me, delicious food and my closest people around me – my dream has been realized, at long last.”

This is what Dana said after celebration of her Birthday at Red Hot: "The atmosphere in this restaurant is fantastic and foods are incredible delicious. I adore Japanese cuisine, so I enjoyed it very much! I recommend everyone to visit Red Hot to taste all the nice food available there, I’ve never felt so special, as god-awfully corny as that sounds."

See the video on

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Jamie



When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and help people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Jamie sent Request for Support to celebrate his Birthday: “I have not had a birthday party since I was about 6 years old and I would like to have a really good birthday party that is affordable. But I have been unable to do so because I have very little money and cannot come up with an adequate amount to throw a great party.”
Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

A fragment of Jamie’s Good Story after the celebration of Birthday Dream Party: "I was so glad when I saw that my Request for Support was accepted. So the first thing that I did was to ask a few of my family and friends if they would like to come to my Birthday dream party and they all accepted my invitation. We sat down at a table that was big enough for all of us, it was great we were all together and everyone enjoyed the food. There were all kinds of food for everyone and we all had a great time. I really enjoyed myself; it was great to spend time with my family and friends!"

See the video on

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Adam



When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and help people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Adam has been unemployed for over 2 years now and as a result of that he has not been able to afford to throw a good party for himself. He has also missed the fun of going out and having a good time with friends and family. “I would really like to be able to go and have a good time to celebrate my birthday!”
Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

A fragment of Adam’s Good Story after the celebration of Birthday Dream Party: "I finally got to have my Birthday Dream Party yesterday after I had to cancel my booking for Wednesday of last week, because some of my invitees got snowed in! I went to Red Hot in Northampton for my Birthday Dream Party and invited 7 of my family members. This was the first time any of us had been to Red Hot so none of had any idea of what to expect there, and wow we were surprised. We had a great laugh while there and really enjoyed ourselves!"
See the video on
Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Chanelle



When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Chanelle, as a low income earner can’t afford to celebrate her Birthday the way she would have like to. “I have never had a party since I was a young child. It would be nice for me, my family and friends to celebrate my Birthday all together in one place.”
Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

Chanelle had her Birthday Dream Party at the Red Hot restaurant with her friends and work colleges. “We all had different types of food and desserts which were really nice. I could not have this Birthday Dream Party without the help of Friendship-zone and for this reason I would like to thank them very much!”
See the video on

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.


When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and help people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Joseph sent Request for Support to celebrate his twin daughters’ Birthday: “It has been an incredibly tough three years for me and my twin daughters, Amy & Amelina. On 19th November 2006 we lost Ampar, my wife and the girls’ mother, to leukemia after a month of treatment. After two days in intensive care she lost her fight for survival! The girls birthday is just days away and I would love to treat them but when you're counting the pennies such treats are virtually impossible. A surprise birthday dream party would at least put a smile on their faces!”
Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

A fragment of Joseph’s Good Story after the celebration of Birthday Dream Party: "Thanks to the people at Friendship Zone I was able to take my twin daughters, Amy and Amelina, to Red Hot Restaurant at Sixfields for a Birthday Dream Party for their 11th Birthday. We all had a wonderful time, enjoying different types of cuisine that Red Hot has to offer. However, the children could not eat their dinner quick enough as they all had their eyes on the large chocolate fountain that would dominate their dessert! We have a family motto: It doesn’t matter how much you have for dinner, there is always room for dessert! That was certainly the case at the Red Hot!”
See the video on

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Veronica



When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and help people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Diana sent Request for Support to celebrate her daughter’s Birthday unusual and she got this opportunity to celebrate it in Red Hot restaurant in Sixfields. This was what she said: We live in Wellingborough. Originally we came from Latvia in search of better life in the UK. Current economic crisis has affected our family’s budget substantially as Dmitry is working as a builder. Veronica will be 4 years old in couple of days and we thought to take her somewhere nice. Birthday Dream Party supported by Friendship Zone will hopefully help this little dream to come true.”
Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

Here is a fragment of Veronica’s Good Story after the celebration of Birthday Dream Party: “It was an amazing experience to have a lovely Birthday Dream Party at Red Hot restaurant. We are very thankful to Friendship Zone for giving us and particularly Veronica to spend some time in there. We loved everything in there, food, drinks and the proper restaurant atmosphere. Veronica particularly loved the chocolate fountain and the unbelievable unlimited quantity of sweets, ice cream, fruits and other delicious deserts. We really enjoyed our trip to the restaurant and sincerely hope it will be a very good example to other people."

See the video on

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Birthday Dream Party of Linda



When someone is asked what charities are about, the most likely responses will be that charities are organizations with the motive of helping people. Every charity main objective is to help people.

Friendly charity located in Northampton “Friendship Zone” promotes friendship and help people to achieve their dreams! One of the projects is called “Birthday Dream Party” and everyone can apply for a FREE Birthday Dream Party!

Linda sent Request for Support to celebrate her Birthday with her family. “I suffer from Cerebral palsy and find it difficult to get around. In spite of this I am determined not to give up on life. I came to England from Latvia because it was very difficult to find any kind of job there and our family always struggled. I have just turned 21 and would love to request for support for a Birthday Dream Party with the help of Friendship Zone. I have never had the chance to celebrate my birthday away from home; it has always been parties at home with my family. Honestly, to have my birthday party in a restaurant would be a smashing one”. It has always been my dream to go out somewhere nice, and why not a restaurant!”

Read terms and conditions on the Charity’s website and follow all the steps to be able celebrate your Birthday Dream Party with your relatives and/or friends for FREE!

“It was exciting to go to a fancy place like this. The best thing about Red Hot was how relaxed it was. I was a bit nervous about having to choose, I never know what is what and sometimes things seem so expensive. Here it is brilliant because there is no pressure at all; you don’t feel as though there is time pressure, the waiters are not hanging around. For a family especially with young children, you can just go up when you are ready, get your plate and have a glance at the different types of food served before you make your choice.

I have found life quite difficult sometimes due to my disability, but recently some things have started to happen to make me feel much better. It was my 21st birthday, so for me this was extra special. I feel as though somebody cared enough to make it special, somebody cared enough to make a difference in my life. "

See the video on

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

“Friendship Zone” helps to achieve your dream by having a very special Birthday Dream Party



We all have dreams no matter how big or small and it is an exciting moment when these dreams are realised. We all want our dreams to be fulfilled in the most interesting and perfect way. Here in Friendship Zone we intend to bring smiles on the faces of everyone by helping them achieve their dreams. Friendship Zone in its ability to help fulfil dreams encourages interested people to take the opportunity to have a Birthday Dream Party.

While the Charity is looking into more places for the celebrations of your Birthday Dream Party, the Red Hot Restaurant remains is the current hosting venues to celebrate your much desirable Birthday Dream Party.

To be able to have the chance of a Birthday Dream Party you are required to register on our website and invite a defined numbers of friends (refer to the terms and conditions ).
For all other details and eligibility please refer to terms and conditions.
To view a former participants please follow the youtube link below:

Everybody has dreams and the Charity “Friendship Zone” can help in achieving them. Take your chance today, apply on and wait for approval!

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Certificates prove skills’ level and ability to compete with others in a saturated labour market



It will be naive to think that after finishing school you will have a job right away. Every employer looks for experienced staff. There are many ways to get necessary work experience for future job search. The Charity “Friendship Zone” gives unique chance to have a temporary work and providing extra lessons for youngsters as no one else.

The forth group have already finished their lessons they had for 6 weeks and now they continue to work as Moderators of the Charity’s website for next 4 months.

All the youngsters say that they have learnt new computer skills using programs they had not previously used.

Francesca Louise Philliskirk and Kyle Doherty mention that the lessons they had will definitely help them in the next job search’, especially the topic lesson “How to find a job” with creating professional CV and Covering letters.

Ahmed Miah is grateful for this opportunity to join “Friendship Zone”, and says he has gained more confidence in himself and learned many new things. Ahmed stresses that he has gained enormous experience on Telemarketing.

For Terry Oyston and Lynval Dacosta the interview techniques on the lesson of „How to find a job” was something new and they now understand the process of interview and how important is to be prepared for an interview and how to make right impression about yourself. According to Lynval, lessons on Power Point seemed very interesting and useful in his future job search’.

Francis Damien Manning knows already what he will do after “Friendship Zone” – he is planning to take his diploma in games developing which is a 3 year course. Francis was the one who attracted successfully new companies on lesson of Telemarketing in collaboration with “Empty cartridge”.

Youngsters of this group call the job at “Friendship Zone” challenging and not stressful. After this job they are not sure, in which industry they would like to work, but they are sure about the work conditions – they want to work in an environment similar to the one that “Friendship Zone” has.

Friendship Zone” is a social networking site which promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams.

To apply for the opportunity to learn and work on the “Friendship Zone” please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

The Charity “Friendship Zone” works together with “Empty Cartridge” making environment tidy.



In today’s cyber world we are aware that we have computers, printers, scanners and many other programmed machines everywhere. We can’t imagine our lives without them and can’t believe that before 20 years only some had PC or mobile phone. Its time to think not only about how to create new models of IT tempting offers, but also how to recycle old models making environment tidy.

Friendship Zone, in collaboration with one of the largest collectors of used printer cartridges in the UK “Empty Cartridge” care about the environment we live in and wants to make it better. As for the Charity it is vital to keep the faith that everyone can make the world a better place to live.

Recycling empty ink and laser cartridges & old mobile phones and PDA’s with “Empty Cartridge” is environmentally friendly and helps to reduce the 250 million of them dumped in landfill sites in the last decade. According to current statistics, only 5% are currently being recycled – this means 95% of these items are simply discarded and end up in landfill sites1

The Charity “Friendship Zone” searches for companies which do not recycle their used cartridges and old mobile phones and encourages them to register with “Empty Cartridge”. Everyone can think about how to make the earth more valuable. “Friendship Zone” reminds us about good deeds we all can do. By recycling with “Empty carriage” you will not only save the environment a but also support the Charity “Friendship Zone”

Friendship Zone is a social networking website with unique difference. Our Charity promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams.
Please visit our website for more information.

1Available from [Accessed March 9, 2010]

FREE laptop and Internet access for 1 year – why not!



Home Access is a government driven opportunity to help low-income families who currently lack access to a computer and/or internet to get online at home.

The programme is aimed at those who need it most. If you are a low-income family in receipt of certain benefits you could qualify for a grant to buy a computer and/or a minimum of one years’ internet access.

To apply for this opportunity:

 Please visit to see if you are eligible.

 If you are eligible please call the Home Access Grant Helpline on 0333 200 1004 to get an application form.

 You will receive special Grant Card which will be needed in your next stage of opportunity of receiving FREE laptop and Internet access for 1 year.

 Please visit and choose a package that is more attractive to your needs and is free of charge. You will then be required to fill in your Grand Card number.

 To support Friendship Zone please kindly indicate our Store number 8032 and our ID number 800246.

If you need any assistance just come to our office for a friendly assistance.

Thanks for your support!

Friendship Zone is a registered charity which promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams. Please visit our website for more information.

Charity “Friendship Zone” suing “Search Engine Easy” affiliated with Google


Charity “Friendship Zone” suing “Search Engine Easy”, which claims that it is affiliated with Google, due to unfulfilled service.

During a lengthy conversation of the service they had to offer FZ became impressed with the advertisement deal on offer and decided to commit to it.

Since Search Engine Easy has failed in its ability to fulfil its promise, the charity has therefore decided to pursue a court case against them.

The Charity “Friendship Zone” will therefore disclose the timeline of events:
- 8th of December 2009 the Charity “Friendship Zone” received a call from “Search Engine Easy” representative, which is registered company in Ireland, as we discovered later.
- After 10 minutes conversation on the phone, this representative persuaded Charity to advertise on the 1st page of Google at comparative low cost.
- During the conversation the company promised to put key phrase “Free SMS messaging” throughout the UK on the 1st page of Google. It was also agreed that £89 per month will be charged.
Everything seemed attractive, but however it also felt too good to be true. Surprisingly more than 3 different representatives were involved in consequent communications and the charity had been asked repeatedly to make many various changes of its web site front webpage.
- 16th of December, 2009 Director of the Charity requested for 2 additional weeks after Christmas to be able to implement the changes of the front webpage as instructed by Search Engine Easy. This was agreed and a representative confirmed in writing that there would be a refund if the changes were not successfully implemented.
- 6th of January it came into the Charity’s attention, the advertisement campaign had started without waiting for the requested implementations of the changes of the front webpage. Charity’s request to start advertising campaign after all the changes were implemented was ignored.
- Promised advertisement campaign results statement was not also received by the charity.
The company gave a lot of excuses avoiding giving the Charity promised refund. Verbally, the representative of “Search Engine Easy” said the campaign had 144 impressions, the Director of Charity found this statement ridiculous as you would expect that nationwide campaign of very popular key phrase “Free SMS messaging” would generate much, much more than that
- 13th of January 2010, following the conversation “Search Engine Easy” confirmed that they will not be in the position to offer the Charity the refund.
- Next 2 months the Charity exhausted all possible avenues to sort this situation out but the company still refused to compromise. In this light FZ has decided to press charges. The Charity realizes that it is not a significant amount but we are taking this step because we believe it is important to bring the awareness to the public domain.

Research on the Internet has confirmed that the Charity in not the only one who became a victim of the Google qualified company “Search Engine Easy” as they want to be identified. Below are three other victims of the above mentioned “scam” company

As reported on business where people leave their complaints, Tony, who was targeted by Search Engine Easy scam, stated “I just received a call from this company. They told our receptionist they were calling from Google so they were put through to me as I’m the Web Manager. They then told me they were calling “on behalf of Google” which I immediately told them was a joke and they were fraudulent to phrase it in that way. They then hung up on me. Not sure how else we can report this company. It is difficult to find anywhere inside Google to make a complaint.”

Colin also complained that “I’ve had 2 calls from these guys now, didn’t claim to have anything to do with Google but they did say that the £89 “offer” was to only 1 company per industry sector! When I asked which sector they had put us under, he didn’t know. When I asked for a list of sectors he didn’t have one. When I asked how they do get you to number 1, he didn’t know. He was also apparently “Sales Director”, hilarious that a director is making cold calls, his name was Ryan”
Another victim, John says “Just had a call from “Google” and when I asked if this was Google she replied yes, it was only after further investigation that she said Google had told them to call. She did not know who the directors are and she was the manager. After doing some credit checks, I see that C. Bellamy was a director of “Club Riviera” the big sales scam company in Manchester that sold timeshare, which did not exist, can you believe it, they would hand over money for nothing, taking advantage of and savings from old people who wanted an investment plus holidays is sick. Eventually the directors were found guilty, so once again these people resurface and never play straight. I would stay clear.”
Our decision of suing “Search Engine Easy” is not because of the refund since it is not such a significant amount, it actually targets “Search Engine Easy” who continuously attempts to defraud individuals, small companies and even charities, and as previously mentioned increased general public awareness about companies like “Search Engine Easy” can help you avoid being caught up in these kind of scams.
Friendship Zone is a registered charity which promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams. Please visit our website for more information.
Boucher, C. (November 23, 2009) “Business Watchdog: Warning Of rogues, scams and potentially dodgy deals” [online] Available from [Accessed March 2, 2010]
Smith, J. (November 23, 2009) “Business Watchdog: Warning Of rogues, scams and potentially dodgy deals” [online] Available from [Accessed March 2, 2010]
Tony (July 28, 2009) “Business Watchdog: Warning Of rogues, scams and potentially dodgy deals” [online] Available from [Accessed March 2, 2010]

Friendship Zone welcomes new group of youngsters.



Friendship Zone again welcomes new group of youngsters who want to learn new skills and finally get a job.

The fifth group of youngsters’, all from Northampton is delighted for this opportunity in finding a job they crave for and at the same time improving their skills in IT, and social lessons about Making Friends, finding a job and Telemarketing. After successfully completing of this program they benefit from obtaining a certificate.

Harry Cullimore is 19 and has no previous work experience; it took him 6 months to find this job with Friendship Zone. Harry emphasis that it is great to finally have a job and looking forward to the future at Friendship-zone or any other job that may come his way due to what he will gain.

Fuad Hussein 23, a graduate from University of Northampton has been looking for job for the past 7 months. Fuad has some job experience, yet it is not easy to find any job.

Lee Stratford 19 has some work experience and always takes opportunities to learn something new. To learn new skills and work at the same time with Friendship Zone, Lee finds this a really great opportunity for jobless youngsters.

Cherie Cargill is 21 years old. Cherie has had quite a long period of time off of work. While she was searching Cherie took on The Princes Trust course. Since she is less confident on computers Friendship Zone will equip her with all the skills she requires.

Ian Heslip is 20 and has been looking for a job for past 5months without any success. Ian is excited about the fact that he has found a job with Friendship Zone where he can also improve his IT skills.

Steven Holland, 25 says “It’s a great opportunity to learn new skills and meet new people”. Steven is looking forward to gaining more experience with Friendship Zone.

Youngsters of this group wish everyone to take time out to refine themselves in their talent and abilities and find a job that fits them.

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

Friendship Zone a new member of the UK online centres



Friendship Zone is now a registered member of UK online centres.
UK online centres provide millions of people with access to computers and the internet, along with help and advice on how to use them. Their mission is to connect people to digital skills and opportunities, using technology to improve lives and life chances.
UK online centres work with partners across the public, private and third sectors to help get more people using new technologies, and raise awareness of digital inclusion amongst consumers, media, political decision-makers and other stakeholders.

Helen Milner is the Managing Director of UK online centres, responsible for ensuring the success and development of the UK online centres network.
By becoming a UK online centre, Friendship Zone will be demonstrating its commitment to creating digital equality in its community. Friendship Zone also becomes part of the national UK online centres network which is firmly established as part of the solution to support the key government agendas of informal learning and digital inclusion.
Friendship Zone is a social networking website what promotes friendship and helps people to achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

Friendship Zone welcomes new Marketing Researcher from University of Northampton



Friendship Zone, in collaboration with University of Northampton is offering graduates and post graduates an opportunity to undergo placements/ experience, with the view of having an advantage of future job prospects. Richie Kojo Richards is the first post graduate student to take opportunity of this project.

Richie, the new Market research PR for Friendship Zone, graduated in MA International Business Analysis in University of Northampton. Even though he does not have a Professional Marketing experience he has undergone an extensive Market research for a Timber company while studying for his Masters degree. It was an interesting project and he is convinced that he can rely on that experience in supporting the project here with Friendship Zone.

Friendship Zone is a social networking website with unique difference. As a member you can apply for various programs online. This charity is unique like no other with 100% of the revenue been reinvested back into the community in a form of offering younger’s the opportunity to study IT courses where members can also be awarded with relevant certificates.

To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

Youngsters’ benefit from the opportunities of the Charity



Nowadays it does not make sense, at what age you start working, but definitely it is important by earning own money and gaining some independence. It is very depressing to be out of work when you want to have a job though. Look at these enthusiastic youngsters from Northampton, who are really confident with their abilities and want to prove their work potential.

The fourth group of youngsters’ are delighted for this opportunity in finding a job they enjoy and at the same time improving their skills in IT and social lessons about Making Friends, Finding a job and Telemarketing. After successfully completing of this program they benefit from obtaining a certificate.

For Ahmed Miah, 22, it took 6 months to find this job with Friendship Zone. Ahmed feels that the government should provide more opportunities for youngsters, because they are our future. It is Ahmed’s opinion, that the unemployment among youngsters should be a great concern in the society that we live in. Today I can count myself lucky, because the Friendship Zone is giving me this opportunity”.

Francesca Louise Philliskirk, 19, finished studies at Roade School Sports College. She likes the job at Friendship Zone, saying “I can do the job well, and I am learning new things all the time. I work with a great bunch of people. I feel I will enjoy the next 6 months here!”

Kyle Doherty, 21, finished studies at Mereway Community College, he was unemployed for about a year, and in the meantime he took on 3 courses at Rathbone, Phoenix Training and BTCV to improve his knowledge and skills. Friendship Zone’s Team is happy to assist Kyle in his professional career by improving his IT skills, helping how to write CV’s and preparations for interviews. After a successful competing of the Course, Kyle would have gained enough confidence in his ability to pursue for a better job.

Terry Oyston, 19, has been searching for a job about 11 months until finally getting a positive answer from the Charity. Terry confirms, that “it is a lot of fun, because it is challenging and I love visiting social networking sites” and wishes other youngsters can also take this opportunity.

Lynval Dacosta, 21, could not find any job for about 2 years. Because of Lynval’s interest in football, he is taking advantage of the youth sport infrastructure development, supported by the Charity. He is also taking IT courses, provided by the Charity, which he is find really challenging.

Francis Damien Manning, 22, was also without a job for about 2 years. He attended college to retake his English and maths, FLT Counter Balance and attended Finchale College for IT course, applied at various agencies. Francis was really pleased he was given this opportunity to prove his work potential at Friendship Zone, working with Social Networking Websites.

Youngsters of this group wish everyone to take time out to refine themselves in their talent and abilities and find a job that fits them.

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

Friendship Zone welcomes new PR manager



I am pleased to announce that Dana Berzina will be joining Friendship Zone as our PR Manager. Dana has more than 5 years experience in Marketing and Sales, and over 3 years experience in private banking, Swedbank AS. She is joining us from the position of Executive Assistant to the CEO of GE Money Bank Latvia.
Please join me in welcoming Dana to the team and congratulating her on her new challenge.

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit

Third group of youngsters to join the Friendship Zone



It is definitely hard to find a job in this current job market. The unemployment rate seems to increase even though we keep hearing that things are starting to pick up. After all of the changes that people have endured in the job market, you can still find a great job during a recession. It is well known that there are actually "opportunities in crisis" and now might be an excellent time to grab a great job. And the Friendship Zone is the one of opportunity for youngsters.

The third group of 6 youngsters is already in their third week and is delighted for this opportunity in finding a job they enjoy and at the same time improving their skills in IT and social lessons about Making Friends, Finding a job and Telemarketing. After successfully completing of this program they benefit from obtaining a certificate.

Oliver, 21, from Leicester Village Kibworth Beauchamp, after his last job he lost motivation and didn’t look for a while. After a while he decided finding some work and it took about 2 months. While searched for a job, which could suit him, he just stayed in and helped around the house. “I was quite pleased to have found a place with so many nice people working there. I think it is a great opportunity to learn and get back into work. It gives me something to get up to. I enjoy meeting the new people and socializing as well as learning a few new bits here and there. To all other youngsters I wish they are able to find a job as comfortable as this one, where help is always available”.

Aaron, 18, from Northampton, has been unemployed for about 2 years, while he has not had any luck in finding a job; he also never did any further studies to enhance his chances. When he finally had the opportunity with Friendship Zone he took it and is excited about the prospect of acquiring some knowledge and finding a job which will make him useful in society. “I think the team here is great and I’m happy to be part of it, even if it’s temporary”, according to Aaron. He realizes that even though this is a temporary job, his chances of future employment looks good. This will be his first professional job experience.

Friendship Zone is a social networking website which members can apply for various programs online is which grants are given to help people achieve their dreams. This charity is unique like no other, as 100% of the revenue is reinvested back into the community.

To apply for this opportunity please visit Job Centre Plus to see if you are eligible. For more information on Friendship Zone please visit