Wednesday 14 July 2010

The first Group completed ESF Community Trainings at Friendship Zone


The first Group has already completed their ESF Community Training programme which is provided by Friendship Zone in collaboration with European Social Fund to mobilise disadvantaged or excluded unemployed and inactive people to facilitate their progress towards employment.
Trainings are provided on Saturdays. Every Group attends 6 Saturdays (all day).
Friendship Zone provides trainings which help to improve peoples’ knowledge, put their skills into practice and open new horizons in their professional growth:
• IT package
• Career builder tools and how to be a good employee at working places.
Diana, Lauma, Deniss and Viktors from the first group confirmed that the training at “Friendship Zone” was challenging and not stressful. “With this training I have gained confidence in myself and learnt new things I didn’t know before”, by Diana. After this training they are feel more confident and are ready to go to recruiters and talk about their job opportunities. Before this training none of the students had professional CV and none had written an Application letter before. The students are grateful for this chance to create their first professional career builder tools to be more successful in current competitive job market.
“For me IT training and practice on frequently asked Interview questions were very useful and I am glad I got the chance to attend this training. I wish there would be more training like this as it is really important for the community. Nowadays people are down casted and they feel unwanted, but that should not be the case because obviously community need everyone, it is tough to find the place where you can prove your ability to work and demonstrate your skills and knowledge”, by Deniss.
Each of the students knows the industry they would like to work and they are sure about the work conditions – they wish to work in an environment similar to the one that Friendship Zone has.
The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and consequently help raise standards of living. Their aim is to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects.
The ESF is a key part of the EU's strategy for growth and jobs. It supports the EU's goal of increasing employment by giving unemployed and disadvantaged people the training and support they need to enter jobs which is not easy.
The 2007-2013 England ESF programme is investing £5 billion over seven years of which £2.5 billion is from the ESF and £2.5 billion is national funding.

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