Wednesday 14 July 2010

Opportunities for unemployed! Don’t miss your chance!



The first Group has already started to attend the ESF Community Training which is provided by Friendship Zone in collaboration with European Social Fund to mobilise disadvantaged or excluded unemployed and inactive people to facilitate their progress towards employment.
The European Social Fund (ESF) was set up to improve employment opportunities in the European Union and so help raise standards of living. It aims to help people fulfil their potential by giving them better skills and better job prospects.
The ESF is a key part of the EU's strategy for growth and jobs. It supports the EU's goal of increasing employment by giving unemployed and disadvantaged people the training and support they need to enter into the job market with an advantage.
The 2007-2013 England ESF programme is investing £5 billion over seven years of which £2.5 billion is from the ESF and £2.5 billion is national funding.
By the end of November 2009, over 1,026,000 participants had joined the programme. It is already having an impact on the lives of disadvantage people in the labour market, helping 67,000 unemployed or inactive participants into jobs and about 91,000 participants have gained basic skills or qualifications.
The priorities in the 2007 to 2013 ESF programme are designed to focus on specific activities and to ensure that it reaches people in most need of support. There are two main priorities in England:
• Priority 1 is 'Extending employment opportunities'. It supports projects to tackle the barriers to work faced by unemployed and disadvantaged people. About £1.5 billion of ESF money is available for this priority in 2007-2013
• Priority 2 is 'Developing a skilled and adaptable workforce'. It supports projects to train people who do not have basic skills and qualifications needed in the workplace. About £823 million of ESF money is available for this priority in 2007-2013.
The Friendship Zone provides trainings which help to improve people knowledge, put their skills into practice and open new horizons in their professional growth:
• IT package
• Career builder tools

If you are unemployed and are looking for a job then this opportunity is for YOU! Courses are FREE and after successful competition you will get £100 worth of gift vouchers. There are more 6 places left.

Take this chance and call TODAY: Ph. 01604 621618
Gain useful skills to be more successful in today’s competitive job market.

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